Get Started

Our national training program provides mentors to help guide veterinary hospitals and non-profit organizations in increasing access to veterinary care in their communities with a business model designed to offer financial support options and tools that work for them and their clients and create net positive revenue!

Existing or new veterinary clinics can implement and integrate these tools into their own practice in easy and cost effective ways to maintain strong client relationships.

The program creates a network of professionals with supportive ties that span the nation.

Here’s what you need to know about our mentorship:

You will have the following expenses and responsibilities to open an access to care clinic and participate in the mentorship:

  • Funds for building purchase or lease and any necessary renovations and equipment. Ability to raise approximately $500,000 for start up funds. (This amount may vary community to community but this is the average cost for a building, renovations and equipment).
  • There is a consultation fee for this program which we will discuss with you at the time of your application. There is an opportunity for a pro bono consult!  
  • Providing information to Open Door Veterinary Collective (ODVC) via a 30 minute meeting regarding expected number of staff, budget, financial tracking process and financial reports as requested, service hours and days, services offered, and pricing structure. ODVC will provide a list of questions.
  • Willingness of your leadership team to meet once a week for two months for training topics and once a month for four additional months to review financial goals with ODVC
  • Providing regular financial reports as requested to help plan your budget and pro forma.
  • Desire to follow our model and training modules that focus on sustainability while removing barriers to veterinary care.
  • Readiness to follow the modules outlined by ODVC including:
    • Analyzing and adjusting financial goals and performance indicators on a regular basis
    • Setting the best scheduling and appointment process
    • Offering multiple payment support options for clients and removing financial conversation stigmas
    • Building partnerships between non-profits, private practice veterinary clinics and human health care and social workers.
    • Developing a regular inventory tracking process.
    • Utilizing Incremental care and spectrum of care approaches when appropriate
    • Implementing staff wellness support to retain staff and maintain a healthy culture
    • Integrating operating efficiencies into your practice.
  • Providing aggregate data to Open Door as requested to track access to care data points.
Open Door Veterinary Collective