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134,000 new users in first six months of 2024!
More than 5,900 resources listed and growing daily!
“This is Sassy Pants' mom. We would like to thank you for the service you provide everyday to people (and kitties) like Sassy and I who are not sure where to even begin looking for all the great services out there that unfortunately would not be utilized if it wasn't for an organization like yours. Again, we thank you and send all of you a high five - Paws up everyone! “
~ User
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The site is always FREE to be listed and offers perks to support you in your work thanks to partner vendors and continuing education conference friends.
Listed providers are granted use of Pet Help Finder’s logos to add their unique Pet Help Finder page URL or to create a regional locator for their community (click on Share Us at the bottom of the site create a regional link for all services in your area).
We have logos and links available to share the Pet Help Finder locator with your community and in your communications.
We provide a variety of sponsorship levels and partnership opportunities. Visit here for more info.
Special Thank You to our founding sponsor: