
66% of U.S. households report having at least one pet, and the majority of those report they consider their animal to be a family member.

When we don’t ask about people’s pets, we risk missing an important strength and/or stressor in their lives!


Join the Ask About Pets Campaign!

Sign up as an individual or organization to agree to add three questions to your intake process.

Why Join? 
  • One on One support for implementation
  • Exclusive access to CE and training
  • Opportunity to participate in research
  • Updates on the latest research and tools
  • Networking with like-minded professionals

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Download our question card for easy access

3 questions social workers need to be asking our clients...

...and add to intakes and assessments (include in the social support or family section, or wherever it best makes sense for your area of practice):

  1. Do you have any pets? 
  2. Is your pet helpful to you? 
  3. Any pet-related stressors, and who can be helpful?

Do you have a client with one of these needs or concerns?

Crisis Pet Foster Care & Co-Sheltering

Violence to animals and violence to people - featured resources

  • The National Link Coalition
    National clearinghouse related to the link between violence toward animals and people. Offers legislation updates, policy and practice tools, research
Pet Loss
Vet care

Start connecting people to resources for their pets now! (Click below)

Open Door Veterinary Collective