Open Door Veterinary Collective
Veterinary Assistance Fund - Pilot Phase


We understand the stress for families when they can’t afford the unexpected expense of emergency veterinary care and for veterinary teams when cost impacts their ability to treat these pets. That’s why we provide a veterinary assistance fund to help bridge this gap and get pets the care they need.

If you are a veterinary provider listed on you are eligible to apply for funds to help a client in need.

Please read the requirements before completing the grant request:

  • Only veterinary practices can apply and all funds go directly to the practice. Individuals cannot apply directly.
  • Organizations must be listed on to qualify for funds.
  • Grants may only be used for urgent or emergency care where a good prognosis is anticipated by the veterinarian.
  • Grant amount is up to $500 per case. Practices can apply for up to 2 per year. Selected Pilot Clinics (already identified) are eligible for up to $2,000 in cases at the $500 per case limit.
  • Practices receiving funds must agree to have their client submit their story to Waggle. Practices can ask the client to seek additional donations on Waggle if the cost is more than the grant, or if they want to ask the client to get matching funds covered, at their discretion. You can share this with clients on how to set up a campaign.

All payments go directly to the clinic from Waggle, recognized as the Open Door Veterinary Fund. Waggle is managing the funds for Open Door Veterinary Collective

Success Stories Funded!

“The care Duke and our family received at Dayton Humane Veterinary was God sent. Duke is not just a family pet, but is a member of our family. We have had him for 5 years, and he has been such a vital support for my autistic son Jaydan. Duke is a very curious and active dog, and tried to escape through our metal chainlink fence, and unfortunately cut a very deep gash in his leg. I did what I could at home, to try and take care of the wound, but it just kept bleeding. I called multiple emergency vets but no one would care for him because I am unfortunately going through a financial hardship. After several days, I was given the number for Dayton humane veterinary and they were my last hope. They not only got Duke in the same day, but they were very understanding of my financial situation. They not only took care of the injury, but they also neutered him and gave him his vaccines, at no cost to me... which was such huge blessing to me and my family. Duke is now healthy and enjoying his life.”

Open Door Veterinary Collective